We have heard the phrase "The pendulum has swung" fairly often over the last few weeks. Some people are calling this year, "the year of the PENDULUM." I saw a sign the other day randomly in the middle of nowhere that just said PENDULUM on it. A probiotic brand I was introduced to last week is called PENDULUM. 

The Sabian Symbols in late degrees Capricorn and early degrees Aquarius where Pluto has just shifted carry the seeded wisdom and intelligent theme of BALANCE. 

The energy of the Aquarian Age - Power to, by, and for the People, is like a tidal wave that has risen in its own consciousness, now crashing to wash over and through us. Our palates are being cleansed whether we want them to our not.

The Symbols, the Stars and the Stones are all speaking the language of this intelligent theme should we lift our eyes up high enough to listen. The crystals are awakening inside our ears. (We really do have crystals in there!!) And if said inner-ear glimmers get knocked out, we lose our balance. Literally. 

These times are intense, but still woven with singing magic. 

Radical change is asking us to pendulate ourselves in and of a continuation of the sentiment: Know Thyself, (which was last year's Holiday Theme.)

The Pendulum has been the symbolic heartbeat of POUND nearly since her conception. A tool we can see, touch, and adorn ourselves with that points us back inward to the compass of our soul-north.  

As we seek to create a world that is more fair, threaded with justice, even-keeled, we must fine-tune that felt sense of balance from within each every one of our-cellular-selves. 

Feeling into our holiday collection and reflecting on what would be most supportive of our individual and collective magic, we created some of the most inspired one of a kind Pendulums and Talismans that help us attune, re-calibrate, and expand into a more radiantly authentic version of self. 

May these transformative wearable totems serve as symbolic representations of what you are stepping into and who you are becoming. 

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