Cellular Marigold Garland

Sale price Price $495.00 Regular price

Orange Sapphires, Pearls and a cellular baby pink/salmon toned Ocean Jasper cut into the shape of a mystical rectangle- like a frame for new seedlings protected by the force of flower essence.

This piece holds the vibrancy of shifting cells within our framework to evolve and alter our helix structure to make tremendous space for tremendous joy- light - miracles - acceptance - beauty - woven through the depth of ritual and prayer. Each stone and pearl like a tiny seed of renewal when activated by your intentions. Reminiscent of a sacred Mala or Prayer Piece. 

Holding the vibrations of what started to shift in October of 2023 during eclipse season. Feel back to that time and look at the chapters closing out and how much blank paper is ripe to be written on. 

14k gold fill

Length: 19-20"