Last week I wrote to you about the synchronicity surrounding the card pull from Lainie's Oracle Deck: The Keeper of Thunder and Lightning, and how it felt deeply connected to the potent power of the Herkimer Diamond.
Not even an hour later, as I lay on my back with a pulled muscle contemplating the fact that my body is taking on years and therefore new modes of getting my attention, the thunder started roaring. And I am talking about CRAZY THUNDER. Thunder that rumbled like a stampede of horses galloping for minutes on-end without taking a beat to simmer down. There was lightning that lit up the whole sky, thus the room I was lying in. AND EVEN A RAINBOW!!! (which I was alerted to by my friend Kari who lives down the street.) So when I received her text that a RAINBOW was in our midst, I crawled my way out of bed and hobbled my sweet pained low back through the streets barefoot to stand underneath it all---the rain, the thunder, the lightning, the stunning rainbow that turned into a double. I write this just to re-iterate the sentiment that challenging hopeless-feeling situations can flip in a heart-beat. I believe the universe/source/spirit/god/goddess listens. And the answers or outcomes often reveal themselves in surprising ways that are not how we have imagined them. (Though sometimes the synchronicities are so on target, in tune, and un-missable that it blows our minds, which are my favorite kind.)
Just sending this note for anyone who needs is, and also to say one more thing!
Last night, I rather randomly decided to do a crystal meditation. For ten minutes I sat with a crystal (one from like ten years ago I have been ignoring for a long time) and I had the most profound experience. I had forgotten how sitting in stillness with a stone is like holding a direct line to the place beyond thoughts, because crystals do not have chitter-chatter minds, at least I do not think they do. Anywho, it felt like I was immediately taken out of myself to observe myself so that I could re-enter my body, still being me, but with way more clarity and loads more connection to the deeper me. I became my essence, not my mind. And there is no way in hell or heaven that the crystal was not the conduit to me accessing this place of epic stillness where I could tap into a pulse that felt like nothing and everything all at once. And then, the downloads of information started flowing in. One after the next, I was feeling these incredible scrolls full of vibrant wisdom open like flowers blooming in my heart. I was frozen on the outside, but all swirling movement and waves on the inside. It was basically EPIC. So. As a reminder-- for me and for you, take the time to just be with your crystals, your POUND Pieces. Trust me, there is a vault of magic waiting for you in there.
Lastly Lastly! We will be at theQoya Costa Rica Reunion RetreatApril 15-23 soall orders placed between these dates will ship as soon as we return! Thank you for your understanding, love and patience!
Waves of magic headed your way, and of course so much love, Us