Lunar Bloomers

In honor of Mother's Day and in radical alignment with last week's rather power-filled Scorpio Full Super Pink Moon (named "Pink Moon" for the plethora of flowers that bloom around this time of year), we found FLOWER AGATE Crystal Points from Madagascar. We designed them, or rather, they designed themselves, and we charged them under that stunning said Moon.

This Agate feels like Carnelian and Rose Quartz and Calcite hanging out together and floating on a Cloud.

They emanate a powerful energy of the Maiden, Mother, Crone Trifecta. They remind me of our family and how the three of us create together within and surrounding the ever-changing pulse of POUND.

They hold the vibrations of a Feminine Force Rising up to meet its Highest Self.

Flower Agate serves to remind us of the blossoming that ALWAYS comes after the breakdown. The crystals and stones become flavored as they grow in the Dark. They Bloom to their fullest wingspan under the Light of the shining Moon. So we named them: LUNAR BLOOMERS. (Found in the Temples of Time Collection).

We ALSO found some incredible tablets of Selenite in Tucson this year and felt incredibly called to them as tools to clear, cleanse and charge your POUND pieces with. Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum that emits pure white light and holds potent cleansing powers. Used to open up blockages to our sacred energy centers, clear toxic vibes and even the air around us, and to re-ignite/magnify the frequencies that the crystals carry---Selenite is a powerhouse crystal phenomenon.

Associated with the Moon (comes from the word "selene", which literally means "Moon Stone") for her power in reflecting the luminous. Place your POUND piece or any other of your crystals one by one on your Selenite Tablet in a window or on your altar and what the transformations that ensue. Seriously!! It's Magic.

Thank you for your patience, your love, and your trust in us to bring you the treasures we uncover in our quest spread beauty with these gifts from the Mother of every single one of us...Mother Earth. <3 <3 <3

Bloom on!!
xxx the POUND girls